Best Instant Drug Tests

Best Instant Drug Tests

You’ve asked for an update on Instant Drug Tests to help you decide on what new products you might want to consider for your Drug Testing Program.  Here it is! Best Instant Drug Tests Having trouble deciding on what Instant Drug Tests are the best for you? Is there...

Best Urine Screening Test 2017

The drug test of choice among the bulk of employers in the U.S. is the urine test, which proves to be quick, relatively inexpensive, and the most effective means for detecting most common street drugs, including marijuana. These tests require a private area, such as a...

Drugs Detected in Urine

Urine tests are deemed accurate for detecting a wide variety of the most abused street drugs. The way to find which kind of drug is being abused is indicated in a key, a color-coded graphic that connects the colors on the urine test strip to the type of drug being...