
Obviously having a few drinks and then driving home is not only a bad idea, but it is a dangerous one. More than likely, you hear at least once a week about an individual who has been killed as a result of a drunk driver. This is why many people choose a designated driver before they go out for a night of fun at the bar.

What you may not know, however, is that many of these designated drivers are not abstaining from alcohol. Many designated drivers have at least a drink or two before getting behind the wheel. Fortunately however, according to WebMD, in the United States 65% of drivers are not drinking before they drive; sadly though, there are still 35% of drivers who are having at least one drink before they drive their other intoxicated friends home.

A very important question that all of us have in mind is this: why are these “designated drivers” drinking before getting behind the wheel of a car? Some would say that they just want a “buzz” while they are at the bar and insist that they will be fine by the time it’s time to leave the bar. Others will say that they are under the legal blood alcohol limit and that, even if they are pulled over, they are still technically “okay to drive.”

There are all sorts of different reasons that many designated drivers are choosing to drink and drive. However it is unlikely that there will be a definite reason as to why these individuals are drinking even though they shouldn’t. These individuals seem to believe that they will be fine by the time they leave (without taking into account the alcohol content that is in their drinks).

The best way to act as a designated driver is first and foremost, not to drink. Although it is very tempting, the best way to keep you and your friends safe is to abstain from drinking anything at all. Not even one drink. Although you may think you’ll be okay by the time you leave, there’s no way you can be sure.