The days are gone when having a single specific talent was sufficient to qualify you for a fantastic career. Employers now prefer employees that are constantly learning new skills and adapting to changes inside and outside of the company. Organizations are more than ever hiring for learning ability.

In a fast-changing professional landscape, someone who can quickly learn new abilities stands out as a high-potential employee. According to a LinkedIn survey, 92% of hiring managers increasingly prioritize candidates with soft qualities.

Keeping this in mind, here are the eight qualities to look for in job candidates:

1. Communication:

Employers recognize the importance of effective communication and actively seek employees that possess well-rounded communication skills. At a high level and a technical level, communication between departments and co-workers is highly important in modern workplaces which creates a need for excellent communication skills. Job interviews are largely an exercise in communication, testing potential candidates’ communication skills prior to hiring them. This emphasis on connection and communication alone tells you that organizations are looking for employees that are good at communicating with others either in-person, virtually, or through their work products.

2. Working Capability in a Virtual Environment:

Remote work has grown by 159%, this means that employers are looking for job candidates that have worked remotely or in a hybrid working environment before or express characteristics of being a team player or good at collaboration either in person or online. Being able to maneuver new remote-work technology and environments is vital to working between teams, co-workers, and supervisors.

In such a situation, recruiters should look for evidence of collaboration with other teams, a strong understanding of technology, responsiveness, and involvement with investment in team culture. A person that can connect to others regardless of the environment to help support teams and business goals.

3. Tech-Savvy:

Employers are looking for workers who have technical skills that go beyond the fundamentals.

Traditional employment has largely evolved into ‘hybrid jobs,’ which are non-technical roles that require an ever-expanding set of technical skills. Workers in industries like engineering, education, marketing, manufacturing, design, and finance are increasingly required to learn specific technologies to carry out their responsibilities.

Get ahead of the curve by learning any of the following tech skills:

  • Internet Marketing
  • Social networking sites
  • Programming languages
  • Website creation
  • Graphic design
  • Virtual reality
  • Intelligent automation
  • Cloud Computing
  • SEO
  • Data Analytics
  • Video Production and other online content formats

4. Loyalty and Honesty:

Employers value honesty as a key attribute in their employees. Some applicants are tempted to inflate their qualifications to land a job, but this is not recommended. Further than the hiring process, truthfulness is a valuable trait to possess. Any company benefits from an employee who accepts and learns from mistakes and reports and communicates openly and honestly. Loyalty and Honesty are two important qualities. You will be invaluable if you can establish yourself as trustworthy and committed to the company’s development.

5. Dependability:

Against the backdrop of historically high turnover rates and a tight labor market, dependable employees are invaluable assets to businesses. Reliability is a “crucial quality” that employers want from their teams and are a crucial trait to highlight on your CV.

You can also demonstrate to a recruiter that you are a dependable employee by detailing your day-to-day tasks in your most recent employment. Employers rely on their employees to deliver work on time and in finished and professional formats. Being dependable makes you a great co-worker and employee. Organizations tailor interview questions to find talented individuals that express signs or stories of dependability in their personal and working lives.

6. Literacy in Technology:

Basic technical literacy is fundamental in today’s employment environment. However, practically every employer emphasizes that computer abilities are now non-negotiable. Employers do not want to teach new workers the basic skills required to execute a job in a world where 22% of the workforce will be entirely remote by 2025. Master the following abilities:

  • Text processing
  • Spreadsheets in Excel
  • Email administration
  • Video conferencing
  • Presentations using PowerPoint
  • Slack, Google chat, and other messaging platforms

While these abilities are useful, including them in your résumé is rarely mandatory, according to recruiters. It is preferable to stress the job’s specialized technical skills. This is also to say that any technological inadequacies will be noticed during interviews or follow-up messaging.

7. Decisiveness:

Everyone will have to make judgment calls, and the ability to analyze possible outcomes is a skill. Candidates should be able to appraise an issue at hand and then make the decision that they believe will result in the best outcome. Candidates can demonstrate this in a variety of ways on their resumes, either through stories of past work experiences or by outlining their tasks.

Candidates, for example, can explain how some of their decisions benefited the company or how they worked through unclear situations in the past and what they learned through the experience. Make sure anecdotal responses answer the following three questions, 

  • What was the situation or how it came to be?
  • How did you deal with it?
  • What was the outcome and what did you learn from the experience/outcome?

8. A Desire to Learn:

Employers value individuals who actively seek self-improvement. Job candidates can either express their desire to learn more directly or indirectly. A passion for education shows that you are diligent and humble, acknowledging that there is always more to learn.

During the interview, make it a point to indicate whether you are a voracious reader or are pursuing your education, or are learning new work or personal skills. While most employees want to work for a company that will allow them to grow, it is also crucial for firms to look for people who want to advance and add new tools and skill sets to their organization.

Without individuals who are willing to change and learn, your firm will be unable to focus on innovation, effective communication, or change management. Hiring managers are searching for people who are eager to learn and improve in their professions.

Whether you are a job candidate or an organization that is hiring new employees, there is a decent understanding of the most sought-after personality and employee traits that go beyond the position itself. This list contains 8 qualities that employers are looking for and job candidates can work on or display to potential employers.



  1. Agouridis, A.  9 Top Skills Employers Look For In 2022. Retrieved From Www.Careerhigher.Com:
  • Buffett. Top Skills Employers Look For In 2022. Retrieved From Www.Zety.Com:
  • Heytempo.  9 Soft Skills Employers Want In 2022. Retrieved From Www.Heytempo.Com:
  • Jadeja, R.  6 Essential Qualities Recruiters Are Looking For In Candidates. Retrieved From Www.Ismartrecruit.Com:
  • Universalclass.  Top 10 Qualities And Responses To Look For When Interviewing A Potential Job Candidate. Retrieved From Www.Universalclass.Com: