Drug testing policies for athletes are an important factor in maintaining the integrity of sports. The need to regulate athletic programs stems from a responsibility towards the public, as well as a desire for safety, which is why collegiate programs have adopted a very proactive testing protocol.

Initially, the issue of implementing drug testing kits into college programs was met with much opposition as many argued that it violated privacy acts. Despite this, over 90% of colleges have a strict policy in place today. The University of Oregon has been the latest collegiate program to join this growing list of drug testing institutions. Upon the completion of a study done on the University of Oregon campus, using input collected by current and past athletes, it was determined that approximately 50% of football players used marijuana. This statistic triggered the university into designing an aggressive drug testing policy on a temporary basis; but it is believed that this policy will be integrated permanently.

The University of Oregon is by no means the only program with this trend of drug use by athletes. All programs have witnessed the increase of failed tests by athletes, mostly for the use of marijuana. Education about the effects of drug use has been made a priority, not only for college athletes, but for all students.

It is important to buy drug tests that are dependable and approved for testing on a standardized scale. Not all drug testing kits are made the same, so it is advisable to do your research and find the most trusted authority to buy drug tests online.