It is really amazing to see how easy it has become to perform drug testing at home. The introduction of online drug test programs has further provided an easy solution to those who are looking for the home-based testing kit. There are many instances when we require to conduct drug testing in the workplace. I think, 5 panel drug test is a good option to for those who want to identify the presence of several illicit materials immediately.

Some of the well-known abuse substances are methamphetamine, cocaine, amphetamine, marijuana, methadone, barbiturate, phencyclidine, and benzodiazepine. They are needed to be detected through drug testing at the early stage otherwise excess amount of these metabolites will cause some negative impacts to health and over a period of time they will hamper your efficiency at the workplace.

5 panel drug test is one test that can give accurate information similar to the laboratory test in a few minutes. This is why its application in the cases of drunken driving is very effective. In case of alcohol-impaired driving and associated vehicle accidents are also taking that help of breathalyser and saliva drug test to nab the culprits. It also helps police to strengthen the evidence whether accident happened due to drug abuse or not. In 1989, the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) developed a 5 panel basic urine test and since then it has been an essential part recruitment policy of many employers. They also conduct test on the old employees and conduct random scanning to build up a good reputation among customers. Then came the 10 panel drug test into existence.

Whatever product you want to use to detect the presence of illicit drugs, it is easily available online. You can buy drug test package that is especially designed to cater your requirement. Since the result is adhered to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), so you can use the result as an affidavit to prove you clear record at the time of recruitment.