talkingteenDrug use in teenagers is a very real problem. Peer pressure, stress, curiosity and more can all prompt a teenager to use drugs. Wanting to keep your teen off of drugs is a wonderful thing, but many parents find it difficult to find the right way to talk to them about it. Here are some effective methods on how to talk to your teen about drugs.

Practice the Conversation
One of the best ways to prepare for a difficult talk is to practice what you are going to say to them. Think about the questions that they would ask and how you should respond. Put yourself in their position. Practice using a kind and non-accusing tone of voice. Try to think of any helpful stories that might help the message sink in. You can do this on your own, but you can also do it with a spouse, family member or friend to get their opinions and suggestions.

Get Their Opinions
One of the best ways to communicate with a teenager on sensitive topics is by letting them talk to you instead of you talking to them. Kids and teens don’t like listening to lectures. They might know that you mean well, but it may seem annoying, condescending or boring to talk to them instead of with them. Ask them for their opinions on the topic. Gently ask if they’ve ever been tempted to try drugs or seen drug use with their friends. An open line of communication is the most useful one.

Avoid Scare Tactics
You may be tempted to ensure that the message really sinks in with your child by telling them horror stories about drugs users. However, this isn’t a good method to use in situations like this. Scare tactics make teenagers feel manipulated and disrespected. Instead, tell them the truth about how drugs may affect the things in life that they love like playing sports, driving, their relationships with their friends, art and more. You can give your child warnings without trying to scare them.

Key Topics to Cover
If you need some help while trying to think of what to say to your child, just remember to focus on these key topics.

  • Though you don’t condone drug use in any form, let them know that you would always do everything that you could to help them if they ever even tried it.
  • Using drugs is illegal, and being caught with drugs even once can have a hefty punishment by the law.
  • Drugs also endangers the lives of others as well as their lives.
  • Is there any particular reason such as depression, stress or peer pressure that has tempted them to try drugs? If so, what can you do to them rectify the problem?
  • Drugs can also damage their grades, their place on a sports team or their jobs.
  • Ask them if they anybody that does drugs. If so, do they try to tempt your teen into trying or does your teen feel compelled to fit in with them?
  • Let them know that you’ll love, support and help them no matter what.