

Drug Abuse and Addiction
People try drugs for various reasons, they may do so out of curiosity, peer pressure, or just to join in the fun with friends. Some people may experiment a few times with no problems, whereas others may become addicted and spiral out of control. Abuse is measured on an individual basis. Its levels are different for everyone.

Changes in behavior and health
Drug abusers may take more risks, such as using drugs under dangerous conditions or taking risks while high. They may drive while under the influence, use dirty needles, or have unprotected sex. An abuser may have legal issues, like stealing to support their habit, disorderly conduct or assault charges. There may also be problems in relationships, such as fighting with their partner or family members, an unhappy boss and loss of old friends.
There are several signs and symptoms of a drug abuser. You may notice some of these changes in friends or family that are using drugs. First there are physical symptoms such as blood shot eyes, or pupils larger or smaller than normal, change in appetite, sudden weight gain or loss, change in sleep patterns, deterioration of personal appearance and general grooming, unusual odors in breath or on clothes, and slurred speech.
Drug abuse may also alter ones behavioral habits. Some things to watch for include changes in attendance or performance at work or school, need for money or financial problems, acting in a sneaky or suspicious manner, sudden changes in friends, hangouts and hobbies, frequently getting into trouble, accidents, fights, and participating in illegal activities.
Drug abuse also alters a person’s psychological balance. You may notice a change in behavior, personality and attitude, sudden mood swings, angry outbursts, or increased irritability. The person may have periods of hyperactivity, or agitation, they may also have little motivation and appear to be spaced out. There may also be some periods of anxiety, and paranoia.

The signs and symptoms of drug abuse vary depending on the drug of choice. People using marijuana may experience memory loss, heightened senses, increased heart rate, blood pressure and appetite. Signs and symptoms of barbiturate use may be slurred speech, drowsiness, slowed blood pressure and heart rate. Methamphetamines and cocaine use causes euphoria, insomnia, weight loss, restlessness and paranoia. Use of hallucinogens will cause rapid heart rate, tremors and permanent mental changes.
Remember support is the key to addiction recovery. Don’t go down that road alone, it is too easy to talk yourself into one more pill or one more hit. If you suspect a friend or loved one is abusing drugs, offer your encouragement, support, and guidance towards recovery.