
Marijuana has long been described as a “Gateway Drug,” supposedly leading to more dangerous drugs and opening up the potential for drug addiction. Many researchers will back up these claims. Teenagers and young adults are most susceptible to the gateway effect, but it can happen to anyone. There is nothing chemical in marijuana that makes people want to use harder drugs, but there are several contributing factors that can reinforce the theory.

Marijuana is everywhere. Nearly 80% of long-term drug users admit that their first experience was with marijuana. Our society has formed a more nonchalant view of cannabis these days. 20 states have medical marijuana programs, many more have decriminalized possession to a mere slap on the wrist. In 2011, 69% of high school students say it is easier for them to get marijuana or other drugs than it is to get alcohol. The wide availability and relaxed attitude sets up marijuana to most people’s first drug. Whether or not they continue abusing other drugs is up to the individual.

Anti-drug campaigns such as D.A.R.E. have been found to work in the opposite way from their intended purpose. When someone has been taught “Reefer Madness” fear tactics for their entire life, realizing that pot probably won’t kill you or ruin your life can start a chain reaction. If the adults exaggerated the dangers of marijuana, what other truths did they stretch? Maybe cocaine isn’t as bad as they say it is. That bottle of painkillers suddenly looks a lot more friendly…These are dangerous thoughts, but you can see how this situation could potentially create a drug user.

Scientists have not been able to pinpoint the exact mechanics of addiction, but many agree that it appears to have a genetic basis. This means that some people are more predisposed to becoming a drug addict than others. When these types of people smoke marijuana for the first time, it opens up Pandora’s Box. Although cannabis is not physically addictive, it can create a strong psychological dependency which often branches out in exploration of new and more powerful highs.

Don’t Open the Gate:
Marijuana is portrayed as an innocuous “good time,” but the ramifications could be tragic. Even a single use of marijuana could send a person spiraling out of control down the path of drug abuse and addiction. Addiction affects everyone, not just the drug users. Families and friendships have been torn apart by this terrible disease. For some people, all it takes is a little bit of marijuana to open the floodgates.