

Effects of Drugs and Alcohol on an Unborn Child
There are a number of effects that drugs and alcohol can have on children and these effects vary a great deal from one child to the next depending on the exact substance that was ingested as well as the amount that was taken. One of the first things that must be considered is the type of drug in question. Some drugs are more dangerous than others, but almost all drugs that are considered to be illegal have extremely dangerous consequences for an unborn child. This includes cocaine, heroin and even marijuana. Abusing any drug, even over the counter medications can be extremely dangerous. Smoking nicotine is equally dangerous, as is alcohol.
Physical and Mental Defects
The effects of drugs and alcohol on an unborn baby include both physical and mental defects that may show up immediately after birth or may not be evident until years later. These types of problems may manifest themselves in lungs that have yet to develop or a number of different heart defects. Children may also suffer from mental defects that prevent them from developing properly as they get older. This may result in them having severe learning disabilities, speech impediments or even blindness. They may also suffer from seizures as a result of the alcohol and drugs that they have absorbed into their system.

Extreme Cases
Extreme cases of children who have been victims of alcohol and drug abuse in the womb are frightening and heartbreaking. In some cases, children are born addicted to the drugs that the mother was using and suffer extreme cases of withdrawal that can result in death. In other cases, children are born without arms or legs or with a brain that is not yet fully developed. These individuals have little chance at life, not to mention that the possibility of having any type of a normal life is virtually erased before they are even born. Almost all of these children suffer from premature birth and low birth weight. These problems alone can mean a lifetime of serious health problems for these individuals and maybe even premature death.

Stages of Pregnancy
The most dangerous stage of pregnancy that alcohol or drugs can be used during is the third trimester. Portions of the second trimester can be almost as dangerous. Many people have a few drinks or smoke a cigarette during the first trimester without even knowing that they are pregnant and then worry about what types of effects the substances will have on their child. The truth is that this type of action rarely has a detrimental effect on the unborn child. However, the same types of actions during the later portions of the second trimester and especially the third trimester can have extremely disastrous consequences. Therefore, expectant mothers should refrain from ingesting any type of alcohol or drugs as well as from smoking as soon as they find out that they are pregnant.